Friday 5 November 2010

Today will be the day where I do things.

Its so difficult to get motivated, Suddenly having no job can do that to you. I'd have thought the opposite was true. Instead I find myself eating last nights chinese, agreeing wholeheartedly with Carol McGiffin's 'shiny tights' gripe whilst reeling from the knowledge that some women turn their knickers inside out to get two days wear!  Loose Women disgust me.
Still, at least I can watch the News ......A man has finally cut his hedge down = 5 full minutes on ITN.    I am deeply comforted by the knowledge that some grotty street in some place I've never heard of has been liberated from its hedge hell.
 I'd watch BBC instead but they're on strike - Bang on trend.

When I dramatically quit my Retail job six months ago I was full of optimism for the future, I'd already changed my life in many ways. Addressed my demons head on, it seemed the only way to go was upwards, turns out sideways was the more comfortable option. 'I'll just stay at work an extra month till I get myself sorted'. Months turned into more months and before I knew it May had come and gone and it was October. How the piss did that happen?
So, on the back of that realisation I finally quit my job last week. Drama Queen? Yes maybe, but I was so bored by my daily routine, I longed for excitement. Time for Change, as Old Macaroon Face bleated throughout his election campaign, was my new mantra. NOT in a Tory way.
So, as of last Friday I became a jobless bum.
Why am I telling the world this tale of how I live my life? I'm not sure to be honest, Call it a diary. Call it Therapy. Call it Narcissism.
I like to tell stories that hopefully strike a cord with people. So, this is my Blog, follow me if you will and I'll do my utmost to keep you entertained. Be warned, I moan.

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